You are Invited !
500th Anniversary Invitation
A Time of Celebration, Consecration, and Preparation
The 500th anniversary of the Anabaptist movement will be marked in 2025 as the movement was sparked during the Reformation by the rebaptism of the (3) early leaders on January 21, 1525. Their devotion to following Jesus and hunger to be empowered by His Holy Spirit fueled a deep desire for hearts to be awakened and radical discipleship spread like wildfire across Europe stirring tens of thousands to be baptized or rebaptised for their personal devotion to Christ in a matter of a few years. There is a growing sense that God is calling us back to that simple faith in Jesus. This 500-year mark of believer’s baptism is a strategic time in church history and a time to consider “The More” that God has for the followers of Jesus and to get prepared for what is unfolding as this may be more of a new launching time than a finish line. There is a sense the Lord is inviting the rebaptisers, Anabaptists, and other advocates of believer’s baptism, to be eager for yet another baptism. This new baptism, the baptism of Jesus, will not diminish the value of water baptism but is about Jesus given the space to be Lord of the church. John pointed to Jesus and the baptism that He has for His followers as greater than his. The question is in front of us today as it was to the people of Ephesus in Acts 19, what baptism did you experience?
There is much reason to believe there is a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the heart of the Father and humility and prayer is a necessary part of our preparation. The word of Psalm 24, one of the two most preached passages of the early Anabaptists, “Lift up your heads, O you gates, lift them up you ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in.”, is felt as a clarion call for preparing for the new move of God on the way. It is time for our world to be impacted by His presence in our midst with His Holy Spirit as our strength for revealing His glory. This is His Day!!!
The Invitation- There is much to celebrate of God’s faithfulness through the past 500 years, but God has more for a people that will make room for His glory to come into their midst. As preparation there is a desire growing to come together as a body, Anabaptists and other believers, in one heart and one mind for 3 days of prayer and seeking the Lord for what is ahead. This gathering is being planned for January 20-22 2025 and to be held in the historic community of Lancaster, PA simultaneous with the original birth date of January 21. In preparation for this gathering is time allowing for prayer groups to emerge across the Anabaptist world, across denominational lines, for one purpose to seek anew the reign of Jesus within the church and anticipate the more He has on His heart for His people.
Your Part If you personally are feeling a tug, here are some things you may be called to:
● Call together those with similar passion for prayer for this time of preparation and anticipation.
● Share this “Anniversary Invitation” with others who may be called to join the quest for the more that God has for us.
● Consider these 6 areas for your prayer focus as we position ourselves with our heads lifted high as gates opening the way for the King of Glory.
Prayer Focus- Six Considerations for Praying
1. Remembrance – This is a time to remember the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit called the Reformation and a time for thanksgiving and praise for all God has done, the huge price that thousands paid for this place of personal relationship with Him and that he has not forgotten us.
2. Reverence – This is not a time to hold back our worship and with our whole hearts worship and honor Him, realizing that without His presence and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit our world will be in trouble.
3. Reflection- Reflect on the 500 years of Anabaptism acknowledging the many ways our faith has stayed alive but to also acknowledge ways we may have deviated from His original plan as radical followers of Jesus.
4. Repentance- With humble hearts acknowledging ways we may have resisted His Holy Spirit and resorted to legalistic forms of godliness that resulted in broken relationships across the church, having a form of Godliness but denying the power for the building of God’s Kingdom. The result is apathy and a great mission to yet be fulfilled.
5. Rebaptism- Acknowledging our need for a new baptism, the baptism of Jesus of fire and the Holy Spirit valuing the baptism of repentance and accepting the empowerment for the manifestation of Jesus in and through our lives.
6. Re-mission - Recommitting ourselves to following Jesus and the way of His Spirit as we fulfill our part of the great commission and God’s great rescue plan.
What does it mean for us to be found faithful in serving the Lord in this generation? We trust in the faithfulness of God to continue to reveal His heart and His plans.